Monday, April 14, 2008

Upcoming Posts - Week of April 14th

Just wanted to give visitors and idea of what I'll be working on this week:

April 14, 2008: My Family Traits
My post for the 46th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy

April 15, 2008 (Tax Day): The 1863 War Tax in New York
I will describe an interesting book, The Income Record: A List Giving the Taxable Income of Every Resident of New York - published in 1863 by the American News Company, New York, New York. This is available for free in Google Books and has helped me establish not only residency for several ancestors but also how they were doing financially!

April 16, 2008: Wordless Wednesday
Posting photographs connected to my family history or places I live or have lived.

April 19, 2008: 333rd Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord
I will be posting about my family's involvement with this famous battle which began the American Revolutionary War. I will be pulling biographical information from at least one ancestor who fought there. I may also try to mention several Loyalists in my family tree. I will be adding this to the Genea-Blogger calendar if anyone wants to join me.

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