Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fearless Females: The Wedding of Frances Pressner

[This post is part of the Fearless Females series of blogging prompts created by Lisa Alzo of The Accidental Genealogist as part of Women's History Month

March 4 — Do you have marriage records for your grandparents or great-grandparents? Write a post about where they were married and when. Any family stories about the wedding day? Post a photo too if you have one.]

My great-grandparents Richard Henneberg and Frances Pressner were married on Sunday, 16 April 1911 in the Bronx, New York at the Immaculate Conception church.

The photo above was probably sent out to family and friends either as a "thank you" for attending the wedding or as part of the wedding announcement.

Here is the marriage certificate which I obtained recently with the help of my cousin Wendy:

According to the marriage certificate, the wedding took place about 5:00 pm and the witnesses were Adam and Julia (Pressner) Beyerman with Julia being Frances' sister.

Photos: 1) Richard Henneberg and Frances Pressner, about 1911, Bronx, New York.  Digital image.  Thomas MacEntee private files, Chicago, IL; Hennberg/Pressner Marriage Certificate, filed 9 May 1911, Bronx, New York.  Digital image. Thomas MacEntee private files, Chicago, IL.

© 2010, copyright Thomas MacEntee

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