Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Montgomery County, NY Archives Needs Your Help

As mentioned by my genealogy colleagues Dick Eastman and Marian Pierre-Louis, among others, there is a petition being circulated on the Internet to help prevent cutbacks at the Montgomery County, New York Archives.

I have used this site several times for researching my Putman and Fonda ancestors and if you have Mohawk Valley ancestry like I do, you know how important this repository is for genealogists and family historians.

I don't ask for this very often, but if you can take just one minute out of your busy day, please click here to sign the online petition. While the county government in Montgomery County is thinking locally, they don't understand the impact that such cutbacks would have on the genealogical community.


© 2010, copyright Thomas MacEntee


Marian said...

The petition has been closed. The cutbacks failed and the positions have been saved.

Quoting the article in the Amsterdam Recorder 12/15/2010
Dec 15, 2010, 14:57

A resolution put forth by several supervisors cutting a part time archival assistant in the History and Archives Department failed. The cut would have left the department with one full-time position that is mandated by the state, and one part-time position.

This elimination would have been detrimental to the functionality of the department, and affect public access to the records, according to Fultonville village Historian Ryan Weitz, who started a petition to keep the position.

Anonymous said...

I come to the petition late. However, I'm glad to see that the cutbacks won't happen!

Peace & Blessings
"Guided by the Ancestors"

Anonymous said...

I come to the petition late. However, I'm glad to see that the cutbacks won't happen!

Peace & Blessings
"Guided by the Ancestors"