Monday, June 16, 2008

When Old News Is New News

I know many other genea-bloggers have been chiming in on Ancestry's recent announcement concerning new additions to its historical newspaper collection. Some have wondered whether it is as big a deal as Ancestry seems to think and to be honest, I wasn't sure the new additions would help me get through some of my "brick walls."

But count me in the "big fan" camp and I too am ready to shout it from the mountain top: Ancestry's "old news" is "new news" and access is free through June 19th.

I've been dealing with the MacEntee/McEntee issue for several months - mainly trying to document whether or not my MacEntee family is really just a variation of the McEntees of Kingston, New York and vicinity.

Well one of the new additions to Ancestry's collection of historical newspapers is The Kingston Daily Freeman, from 1914 to 1950. And in it are various listings for McEntee as well as MacEntee. Interestingly, for my grandfather Abraham MacEntee, his wedding announcement in the Kingston Daily Freeman has his last name spelled as McEntee.

I still have many articles to review which mention McEntee - over 3,000 - but many simply reference a "McEntee Street" which exists to this day in downtown Kingston. Now I just wish Ancestry would allow you to use Boolean logic for searches so I could eliminate all references to McEntee Street but still pick up those with just "McEntee."

1 comment:

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Congrats on the new finds. If you know that there are articles to check it might be worth a month subscription to NewspaperArchives. Ancestry's search function returns too many useless hits. One thing I've found helpful is to search for a known address rather than a surname.