Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to say a quick note of thanks to all my friends in the genea-blogging community! I will be spending the day with the in-laws and then come home to pack for a much needed vacation.

I will be in the Lake Tahoe/Reno area for a few days but have preposted several items for your reading pleasure.


p.s. No I did not make these wonderful turkey creatures this year but the project has been on my to-do list for two years now. They seem simple requiring chocolate covered cherries, vanilla wafers, candy corn, jelly beans and melted chocolate to be used as glue.


Anonymous said...

Hi Thomas,

Happy Thanksgiving!
And thank you for all the help and good cheer you share with all of us.

Also,I'm tagging you to write a post on Eight Random Things About Yourself. Check it out:

"Guided by the Ancestors"

my Heritage Happens said...

Hi Thomas,

So glad you shared that you didn't make those turkeys, as that was the first question on my mind! Clever they are!

We thank you for all you do for the genea-bloggers. You are so helpful to all.

Have a wonderful getaway in Reno-Tahoe. I hope the weather is nice for you, I believe there was snow last week. My boss lives there.