Monday, January 26, 2009

Are You Truly A Caretaker For Your Research?

During yesterday's Scanfest, while we scan and chat via instant messenger, many topics are raised, from the mundane ("did you have a pet rock and a mood ring in the 70s") to more serious topics.  Topics such as: what happens to your genealogy research once you are no longer on this Earth and become an ancestor?  Have you made plans for someone to take over your research?

After some great ideas, Sheri Fenley of The Educated Genealogist posted on this topic and has included sample "genealogical codicil" text to be used during estate planning.

If you haven't already done so, please take time to ponder this topic seriously.  When I completed my estate planning this past summer, I had a provision in my will stating that if specific people in my family did not want to care for my research, that it was to be left with one or more historical societies.

Just like any other "asset" for which you currently care, you should consider bequeathing your research so that it can be continued years from now and not be just another "lost" body of knowledge.

1 comment:

Sheri Fenley said...

Thank you Thomas for helping me bring this important matter to the table. Each of us can do our small part to help preserve records that might otherwise be lost forever.