Friday, April 18, 2008

Carnival of Genealogy - The 46th Edition Has Come To Town

Jasia over at Creative Gene is a goddess. She has rolled her Carnival of Genealogy into town and put up the tents for the 46th edition!

If you've never participated in COG, give it a try for the 47th Edition:

The topic for the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy is: A Place Called Home. It's time for a geography lesson. Pick out a city/town/village where one of your ancestors once lived and tell us all about it. When was it founded? What is it known for? Has is prospered or declined over the years? Have you ever visited it or lived there? To a certain extent, we are all influenced by the environment we live in. How was your ancestor influenced by the area where they lived? Take us on a trip to the place your ancestor called home. The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2008.

Submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using the carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page.

As a new poster, you'll be amazed at the number of fellow genea-bloggers with whom you have something in common!

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