Friday, August 8, 2008

Genea-Blogger Games: My Competition Events

Here are the Competition categories and Events in which I hope to participate in during the upcoming Genea-Blogger Games. I will be on vacation about half of the time (in Lake Tahoe and St. Paul, MN) but will travel with my laptop so that I can update my progress.

1. Go Back and Cite Your Sources!

I hope to add 50 citations to my current database. I have many entries that I know are in fact sound, but I haven't bothered to enter the source citations since I knew where they could easily be found on the Web. I need to take the time to do this!

2. Back Up Your Data!

Yes, the king of backups also has his shortcomings! I have to reorganize The Box, as I call it, with all the photographs and place them in protective sleeves and then in a waterproof tub.

3. Organize Your Research!

I don't keep many "hard files" but those that I do have need to be better organized. I also want to start adding metadata to all the photos that I've scanned during the past few Scanfests. I also want to update my master list of items.

4. Write, Write, Write!

Many of the tasks I already perform on a regular basis but it would be nice to get some posts in draft mode, especially for posting while I am on vacation. And a biographical sketch of an ancestor would be great!

5. Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!

I hope to cover all of these tasks during the competition. I also want to try and seek out non-Facebook genea-bloggers and try to bring them into "the fold."

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