Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday - Gertrude Berg

While on my latest trip home to New York, I stayed with my uncle in Halcott Center.  Well to get to and from Halcott Center (population 193), one has to go through Fleischmanns, New York.  A few weeks prior we had watched a wonderful documentary entitled Yoo-hoo, Mrs. Goldberg via Netflix and we discovered that Gertrude Berg, the star of this radio and television blockbuster in the 1940s and 1950s spent many summers in Fleischmanns and was buried there.

Thus the hunt ensued.  Clovesville Cemetery on the outskirts of Fleischmanns was easy to find and we proceeded to the Jewish section where we stumbled upon the Edelstein Berg family burial plot. I wish the day had not been so sunny so that the photo could be clearer.  And as you can see by the stones and pebbles left, Mrs. Berg has had many visitors as of late.

And for those wondering, yes the town of Fleischmanns is named after the same Flesichmann family of yeast fame!

Here is Gertrude Berg's entry over at Find-A-Grave.

Photo:  Gravestone of Gertrude Berg, Clovesville Cemetery, Fleischmanns, New York, taken September 19, 2010. Privately held by Thomas MacEntee [address withheld for privacy purposes], Chicago, Illinois.

© 2010, copyright Thomas MacEntee

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